Happy Sunday everyone!! Well, I have been doing really well since my surgery and the doctors are ready to send me home for the second time. Hopefully I get to stay home for good this time and my only visits here will be my check ups and to quickly say "Hi" to my nurses. Daddy says he doesn't want me to be doing anymore sleepovers at the hospital and that he is soo totally ready to have me home forever. Well....at least for the next 18 years. I am ready too, so tonight I am gonna have my last great night with my nurses.
This weekend has been pretty cool. Yesterday (Saturday), Daddy was here early in the morning and stayed until noonish. We snuggled a bit, he fed me and then I took a really long nap right after Daddy read me "Itsy Bitsy Spider". Daddy left for a little while when I was taking a nap so that he could take a bike ride. Man, when he got back he was as pink as one my outfits and his arms were super warm. He called it "sunburn" and said that a smarter person would have stopped by CVS and bought some suntan lotion somewhere along the ride. He also said that I am not allowed to leave the house this summer without it and that he will be putting suntan lotion on me often.
Today, Papau came to see me in the morning and then Daddy and Mimi came right after church. Daddy says that everytime he comes to see me, someone else is holding me. He thinks I am the most held baby in the RCNIC. Which is totally cool with me because I am like the snuggle queen. Oh yea, Poppy came later in the afternoon and we hung out for a couple of hours. I love having visitors but from now on, they are gonna have to come to our house instead. Of course, when Daddy says it's ok for me to have visitors.
So the plan tomorrow is for Daddy and Mimi to come in the morning to hang out and get things ready to go. Then the doctors are going to do one last belly X-Ray to make sure everything is on the "up-and-up" and if it is, they are gonna send me packing. So, Daddy and I are crossing our fingers and are praying really really hard that everything looks great. You should too! Hopefully the next time we blog, it will be from home. Well, I am gonna get back to hanging with my nurses for the last night. Blog to you soon.
Love, Lily

This is AWESOME, cutie pie! You'll get to go outside on walks and everything! It feels like summer right now and all of the flowers are blooming like crazy. You're going to love it!
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful news! And we have a feeling this is it...you will be home for good! And good job fooling your daddy that you will only be home for 18 years :)
We will be praying for good news tomorrow and can't wait to see you in your home where you belong!
Lots of love!
Jessica, Sandy, Clyde and Austin
Little Lily,
ReplyDeleteWhat great news! I know your daddy is sooooooo anxious for you to come home and be with him. Please tell him how much I've looked forward to his blogs and that he does a wonderful job of seeing things through your eyes. You are sooooo blessed to have a daddy who is so devoted to you. You are definitely "daddy's little girl". I can't wait to hear the news that you're going home!!
Prayers and Hugs,
Dorothy Thompson
(Aunt Cyndi's Mom)
Praying that this time tomorrow you will be home sleeping in your own bed. You are such a "Tough Chick" Lily. Good luck to you and daddy.
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping my fingers crossed and my prayers agoing, that this time it's home for good! Lily, how you have grown since I last saw you! You are still so bright eyed and curious-I can tell from the pictures! I hope, as you are reading this, you are finally at home getting all snuggled in! Love to all of you-and still in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteNurse Conni-Good Sam NICU
Oh Lily what wonderful news! I am sure that by time your daddy reads this to you, you will be HOME!! and what a beautiful day to come home too..
ReplyDeletePrayers have been answered little one and I know your daddy and mimis will be happy to have you home. Let the fun begin!
Tell your daddy to give you big hug from us. Hope to meet you very soon.
Love you,
The Kellers