Then, yesterday Mommy's bestest friend in the whole wide world, Alison, came over and watched me for half a day while Daddy went into his office to do some work. I can totally see why mommy loves her soo much, she is crazy cool. We spent the whole afternoon together getting to know eachother and even got to go on a walk, read some books and napped. She made me feel soo safe and comfortable and I am soo super duper stoked that we're gonna be kickin' it together for a long time to come. Oh, and it helps that her daughter, Gwynn, is totally cool and fun and just a little older than me. We are gonna have some serious goodtimes together.
Then today we had our follow-up doctor appointment with my awesome pediatrician. And guess WHAT!?!?! I tipped the scales today and 8lbs 8ounces. Daddy calls me his little bruiser and says that he kinda expected me to have gained weight. He says that when he comes and gets me out of bed in the morning it is almost like he is picking up a different baby. I guess I must be doing my best growing at night when I am asleep. I guess I am gonna be doing some serious growing now because the doctor gave Daddy the green light to let me sleep as long as I want at night so he no longer has to set his alarm to feed me. He can just wait until I wake him up and say it's time to eat. Awesome!
So, you know how when I came home that I was sleeping in the basonette in Daddy's room. Well, I decided that I am a big girl and that if I am gonna have my own room that I better get to using it. So I have been sleeping in my own room for a few nights now and am doing fantastic. It's a really cool nursery and I get to sleep with Ribbit (Mommy's teddy). One thing that does drive Daddy and Mimi crazy is how much I scoot in bed. It seems that they bought me this special positioning pad but I wiggle my way right out of it. So, it got canned. Hey, I can't help it; I must be having great dreams.
This evening was pretty eventful too with Grandma and Poppy coming to see me. And then, after they left Daddy was feeding me and I experienced what he calls a "blow-out". You should have seen Daddy's face when it happened; his jaw dropped to the floor and his nose scrunched up when the bouquet hit him. Heehee! It made such a mess that it required that Mimi give me a bath to get all cleaned up. Mimi wrapped me in a warm blanket and Daddy held me while she got my tub ready. One problem, she forgot to put me in a diaper and I guess I wasn't done going. I totally peeed all over Daddy. Haha, it looked like he wet himself. I guess he should make a note of that too for future reference, dontcha think?
To top off the night, we made the news again. Daddy says he continues to be floored by the impact Mommy had on the lives of others. Daddy told me that an awesome lady with whom Mommy grew up now lives in the neighborhood where Mommy worked and her children went to school there. Well, what happened to Mommy wasn't the only tragedy to hit the school this year. A little bit after Mommy went to heaven, one of her students joined her unexpectantly. You can see the news story here: . Daddy says he just knows that Mommy was the first one at Heaven's gate waiting to show her student around. That's just who Mommy was. So, back to the story. Mommy's friend has this great vision of creating a memorial garden in memory of Mommy and Christian. Problem is, we need to get some help funding it and building it. We want to make this something that continues for years to come. Check out the story and if you feel led to pitch in, we hope you do.
Well, I better go get some sleep. We have three back-to-back-to-back doctors' appointments at Children's Hospital tomorrow. Nothing to worry about, they are just follow-up meetings. I can't wait to stop by the RCNIC to see all my friends!! Blog at you soon.
Love, Lily
Hello! My name is Lori and I'm one of your 'Aunt' Alison's very good friends. She was so excited to watch you yesterday and it sounds like everything went great! You are in very good hands. I try to check your blog everyday and cannot wait for updates. You are an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing your amazing story! I hope to meet you someday soon. Maybe we'll meet for a playdate when you're with Alison and Gwyn. Love to you - Lori Maley
ReplyDeleteHey Lily,
ReplyDeleteYou look great in your Froggy towel! Your Mimi is so happy..she really gets into those baths. Give her a big smile from Mimi 2 and a big thanks for keeping you soooo clean and pretty! You can count on some great bubble baths in the future. Ella and I and will show you how to make bubble beards and a big mess on the bathroom floor! Give your Dad some special love on Mothers Day on account of it being a really hard day this year. I love you, Lily..your Mimi2