So, what kind of stuff have we been up to? Well, as most of you know Daddy really likes to train and compete in races called, Triathlons, where he races in three different areas (swim, bike and run). As you might imagine, in a place like Ohio there really is only one season to do such silly things. Yup, summer!! It may not sound like it but these events are a lot of fun and they give me, Molly, Mimi and the rest of the friends and family that come out a chance to hang out all day in pretty parks or by pretty lakes. I even get to make new friends and play in the water sometimes while Daddy is racing. I like the feeling of the sand between my toes and of my hands splashing in the water. Molly has gotten really good at making sure there are extra outfits in the diaper bag. We have a BLAST at Daddy's races and look forward to cheering him on all summer (you can see a glimpse of my cheering skills below). As it turns out, Daddy isn't half bad either. He did this one race a few weekends ago called the American Triple-T. Talk about crazy!! He did a "short" race Friday night, an Olympic distance (.9mile swim, 28 mile bike, 6.6 mile run) race Saturday morning, another Olympic distance race Saturday afternoon, and then finished the weekend with a half-ironman distance (1.2mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) race on Sunday. I'm telling you, he's crazy!! Anyway, Daddy ended up doing pretty well and finished 42nd out of the 362 men that were racing. He says he could never do it without Molly and me waiting for him at the finish. We'll keep y'all posted as the season continues.
Other than races, Daddy and Molly have been sure to keep our calendar chock full of things to do. We go to the zoo. We go to friends birthday parties. We go to the pool. We go to friends birthday parties at the pool. We go to family get-togethers. We go to the park. We go for walks. We even take Tuck to the dog park where we can let him go swim in the river. I tell you what, for being such a laid back dog, he goes wild in the water!! He and Daddy play fetch with sticks and Daddy always gets frustrated that Tuck doesn't bring them back all the way. He says Tuck is only 3/4 retriever and must not have inherited the gene that lets a dog know you bring the stick ALL the way back to the person who first tossed it. Oh well, they have fun playing around and I get to have fun splashing on the beach and tossing pebbles into the water. I just love the splashes and sounds that they make!!
You guys are smart, so you probably figured out that I am really diggin the summer and that I really like any activity that involves water. Can you blame me? Daddy and Molls realized my love for all things wet and bought me my very own baby pool. And I don't just mean any pool. They purchased a big blow-up pool with a jungle theme and it comes with a slide and a giraffe that sprays water. Talk about FUN!! I love to step in and out of the pool, throw toys in and out of it, splash my hands, and sit down in the cool water. Only downside is that I seem to have been blessed with Daddy's fair complexion and I can sunburn very easily so I don't get to stay out as long as I would like. But, nonetheless, I have a SUPER time when I am out there.
In other news, Daddy says that I am growing up too fast. He says that it seems like just yesterday that the only direction I could scoot was backwards and now he has to run just to keep up with me. He said he thanks God for caffeine; whatever that means. But he also lets me know that he could not be more proud of me and all the cool new things I am saying and doing. Daddy and Molly read to me all the time and I can even predict how some of the books are gonna go. My favorite book right now is called "Lily's Twinkly Bedtime". Suprised? Well, there is one page that goes "Is Jasmine fast asleep already?" and the answer is "No, she's holding Lily's teddy" Whenever, Daddy or Molly get to that part of the book I always answer before they can read the bit about the teddy. I love how they laugh when I do that.
Other things I have picked up on are the things Tucker says: "Ruff-ruff", the sound a lion makes "ROARRR!!!", and the sound a monkey makes: "eeh, eeh, eeh". I know where my head, eyes, nose and mouth are located on my body. And I LOVE to tell stories, even if nobody else seems to really understand what I am getting at. I can ride my little-tike scooter all around the house and love to push my teddy, Daisy, in the stroller. In the mornings, I like to act like I am putting on makeup just like Molly. Daddy and Molls say that it seems I learn something new everyday and I think they are right. What a cool time to be a kid!!
We still receive random gifts in the mail from people. Daddy is always so touched when he opens a card and reads the kind things people have to say about him or about how my Mommy impacted their life or how they love watching me grow through viewing this blog. Just the other week we recieved a card from Daddy's co-worker Jillian and her daughters Lindy and Addie. They sent us the nicest note, treated us to a nice lunch and even sent us a picture off the girls (it's hanging on our fridge in the kitchen). The card was cool but my favorite was the patch that was inside it. It's a girl scout badge that says "baby care" on it and it has a little teddy bear with bottles stitched on it. I love to carry it around the house. What cool girls Addie and Lindy are!! They have never even met me but still think of me lots. Daddy says that is the sign of someone with a genuine and compassionate heart and that God loves to use people like that to impact the world in great ways. He knows, he was married to my Mommy.
Well, it's getting late and I need to rest up for another day full of adventure. We hope you are getting outside and enjoying the warmth. Keep on rockin' and we'll check back later with all the cool things we are doing. Love you all more than words can say!!!!
I am so glad you keep blogging! I love to check in and see Lily grow and blossom! I was a friend of Marty's from Delshire, and I miss her a lot!
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