It has been a fun weekend! I've gotten soo spoiled because all the nurses know that I am scheduled to be transferred tomorrow(Monday) and that I won't be coming back. So I got extra snuggle time and even got some going away presents. I am sad that I have to leave but Daddy says that he has everyone's contact information and that he is going to stay in touch with them. When the doctors at Children's figure out what's up with my tummy, fix it and send me home, Daddy says that our new friends (my nurses) are welcome at our house anytime. I sure hope they visit.
I had all kinds of visitors today. First, the Bauman's came in to hang out with me. They were amazed at how much I have grown in the short time since they last saw me. Then Poppy and Mamau came by and Mamau snuggled with me for a little bit. That was awesome because I haven't gotten to see her because she was a little under-the-weather. Now that she is better, I am excited to spend more time with her. Then, Daddy and I Kangaroo'd for 2 whole hours! We both get so comfortable snuggling that I fall right to sleep and Daddy fights hard not to doze off because the nurses might yell at him. Apparently, you aren't supposed to fall asleep while holding a baby. Who could blame him though? Kangarooing is the best place in the world to be. Alison came to hang with us too. She held me and complimented me on my chunky cheeks and two chins. She also told me all about her daughter, Gwynn, and how we are gonna be best friends. I can't wait to meet her!!
Daddy came back later in the evening to hang out and read me my goodnight story. Tonight's story was titled "Tough Chicks". My Aunt Pitter bought me the book because she said it reminded her of me. I love the story of the three tough chicks. The three chicks don't act like "normal" baby chickens are supposed to behave. They get into stuff and really get on Farmer Fred's nerves. But Mama Hen is really proud of her baby chicks and how they are unique. Then one day Farmer Fred loses control of his tractor and who comes to the rescue? That's right! The three chicks. After that, everybody celebrated the chicks and all the things about them that before got on their nerves. Daddy says that the lesson of the book is to be proud of who you are and that I can do anything I set my mind to because I am one tough chick.
Well, that is really all that is going on. This is my last night at the Good Sam NICU and I am really sad to be leaving. But I am excited to meet new friends at Children's and to finally figure out what has been causing my tummy problems. Daddy says that the people who will be taking care of me are very good at what they do. So good, in fact, that babies come in from all over to be treated by them. He says we are so blessed to have such special facilities so close to home.
I will be transfered sometime in the morning and once I get over to Children's, they will decide what tests to run. Please pray that the problem with my tummy is a simple fix. I will blog soon to tell you all what we find out.
Love You, Lily
Dear Lily... I bet the nurses will be sad and happy that you are leaving. Prayers for you and your dad for a quick diagnosis (and fix) of your tummy issues.
ReplyDeleteAnd good job on hitting that 5 lb mark! You GO little one!! Your blogs always make me smile. I can hardly wait to meet you..and I hope that will be VERY soon!
Love and {{{hugs}}}
The Kellers
You may weigh more than a bag of sugar Lily, but I bet you're twice as sweet. Hope to meet you one day soon.
ReplyDeleteYeah...over 5 lbs! What an accomplishment! I bet you will love the nurses at Childrens too! Nurses just have such a special touch when they work with babies! You have so many new friends now that they are going to keep a close eye on you and your daddy, especially so he doesn't fall asleep with you.... haha. Keep growing...thanks for keeping us up to day! We'll keep praying!