Hey everybody!!! Is this weather crazy or what? I don't know about where you live, but here in Cincinnati, it's been great because we haven't had too much super hot and muggy weather. Daddy says that this isn't usually the case but that it works out great for us because we go outside all the time. I am particularly fond of our walks with Tucker through our neighborhood. My favorite is when Daddy puts me in the Baby Bjorn (it's like a backpack that goes in the front, I guess you could call it a front pack). Anyway, this thing is FANTASTIC because I am now big enough to face forward and its like I am flying down the street. I love being able to see everything that there is to see and say "Hi" to all the nice people we pass. It's really funny when Tuck has a BM. I know, you are like "What's a BM?" Well, it's a nice way of saying when he drops a stinky. Anyway, Daddy has to pick it up but it is a little more difficult to do when we are using the Bjorn because he doesn't want to get me near it. So, Daddy has figured out a way to stay as far away from the nastiness as possible, pick it up and tie the nasty bag to Tuck's leash so that neither he nor Tuck have to smell or carry it. Daddy has got some skills!!
So this past week has been super cool. Not only have Daddy and I been having a blast together but I finally got to go hang with Alison and Gwyn again. They were on vacation the last couple of weeks and I missed them sooo very much. Gwyn gives me the sweetest kisses ever and Alison just rocks my socks off. I think Mommy would be super happy and thankful for the relationship I am developing with her best friend. Gwyn and I have a blast together. We are totally BFF(s). That's Best Friends Forever for all you laypers. I look forward to seeing them again next week and going on adventures together.
This week also saw Daddy, Mimi and I go to Doctor Fix's office for my 6 month old checkup. Daddy about fell out of his chair when the nurse told us I weigh 13lbs and am 2 feet tall. When I was a new baby, I was way below the growth curve but now I am right at it. They are super-duper pleased with my development and have even given us the green light for me to start practicing taking my drinks from a sippy cup. Can you believe it?!?! This is some seriously big girl news. Right now we are just drinking purified baby water but once I get my practice in (see video below) I will be able to have milk from it. I also get to start eating soon but Dr. Fix wants my GI doc to make the decision on what kind of food I should eat first. So, next Friday we meet with him and I plan on eating real food by next weekend. I can not wait. I hear eating is all kinds of messy and a ton of fun. Stay tuned for some great pics and videos.
Sunday was the picnic for Poppy's law firm. My goodness does he work with some really great people. One lady told us that she has all kinds of clothes for me. I don't think Daddy is gonna have to buy me gear anytime soon. So awesome. This was quite the picnic. There were people of all ages there. There were people throwing frisbee and there was also a softball game going on. Everybody had a blast!! I look forward to next year's get together when I can run all over the place. Not to mention, you would not believe all the food. I think Daddy ate more than his fair share of dessert. He said that all that sugar helps to make him sweet. I am not sure about that. I think he just has a sweettooth. How about you?
I can't wait for the weekend. I am gonna spend a ton of time with Daddy and I also have a couple of play dates. Saturday AM I get to go hang with some of my NICU nurses. It's gonna be awesome. And then Daddy has a Triathlon on Sunday. I hope he does well.
OK, off to get my beauty sleep. I hope that your week is going stupindous!
Love you TONS,