Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Two Bags
You probably read the title to this blog post and ask yourself "Two Bags? What in the world does that mean?" Well, people, I had a doctor's visit on Wednesday this week and I weighed a whopping 9 pounds 10 ounces!! Daddy calls me his little bruiser and said that by the time we got around to posting the latest update (Sunday), I probably weigh 10+lbs. Isn't that crazy?! That's the same as two five pound bags of sugar; two bags. I have quadrupled in size since I was born!! I am in the 35th percentile for weight and head curcumference but Daddy says I have to blame Mommy's side of the family for my "vertical challenges". It seems that I am only in the 5th percentile for length. But that's OK because I am short and mighty, just like my momma. Dr. Fix was super excited that I am doing so well and one of the benefits to being a rockstar, I now get to up the amount of food that I eat from 4 ounces to 5. Boy, I tell ya, after I am done with 5 ounces I am ready for a long nap.
Daddy was really excited when Dr. Fix said I was doing this great. But neither of us were excited about the last part of our appointment, shots. Ouch, they smart! This poor lady, it's her job to come in and stab us innocent kids with these needles. How would you like to be the most disliked lady at the doc's office? She gave me two shots, one in each leg, and I let out a scream that Daddy is fairly convinced my Mimi Cameron could hear in Arkansas (miss you Mimi ). Daddy picked me up right after the lady gave me the shots and was able to calm me down a bit. I was a little irritable for the rest of the day and just decided to nap it away. Daddy was thankful that I am such a tough chick and didn't cry that much after my shots
There has been a lot of things going on as far as my development is concerned. The coolest of my new skills is the fact that I have found my hands. These things are incredible! Like when I don't have a Wubbanub nearby, I can just suck on my thumb. Well, I actually suck on my fist (see video below) but I am told that there is a thumb there somewhere and that once I find it I may not need my wubbanub. I don't think I will be giving up my awesome wubbanubs anytime soon but I do look forward to finding out all the things I can do with these new hands of mine. Daddy says that his favorite thing to do with his hands is to hold mine. I am betting that will be my favorite thing to do with mine too.
Other than that there is not too much to report. Daddy and I are just enjoying the long weekend with family and friends. Daddy took me to a cookout yesterday where I got to meet some of his coworkers and their families. Daddy works with some really cool people and they were all so impressed with how big I am getting. It was fun to be the center of attention and I was sure to entertain them by making funny facial expressions. It was awesome.
Tonight, Daddy and I are just gonna kick it here at home. We like layin low sometimes.
Well, have a great Memorial Day. We hope yours is great!!
Love All of You, Lily
Monday, May 18, 2009
We have been pretty busy lately. My Florida Papau was in town for about a week and we got to hang out a little bit. We don't see him very often since he lives in Florida and it was good to hang with him for a bit. He promises to come back in September so we are excited about that. See you then Papau!!
This weekend was busy as always. Daddy had to do this thing he called "errand running" and he took me with him on the adventure!! There were four stops. Well, there were supposed to be four stops but there were actually five. First stop was the bank where Daddy used to work. Actually, Daddy says that the bank is where our story as a family begins because that is where he and Mommy met. Daddy, you aren't supposed to hit on the clientele but since it worked out so well this time (ie You and Mommy falling in love and having Me) we'll give you a pass. Daddy's old coworker, Judy, was at the bank and was soo excited to see us. I can see why Daddy loved working there. The people there are just soo nice.
After the bank Daddy and I headed to the phone store and then to the Tuxedo place so Daddy could be fitted for a -yup, you guessed it- tuxedo. Uncle Josh is getting married in September and he asked Daddy to be in the wedding. It would have been nice if Daddy remembered which tuxedo shop to go to because the first one was not it. But they were nice about it and wrote down Daddy's measurements so all we had to do was drop off the paper to the correct shop. All the people helping us were great and Daddy says it's because he had sch a beautiful sidekick. I think he's right. Our last stop was this place called Toys-R-Us. That place ROCKS!!! Man, there are all kinds of toys and gadgets there. Not to mention, they have more cute clothes than I could ever wear. But Daddy made sure to tell me that we were there to get just one thing, a mobile., and that we aren't just gonna shop to shop. And oh what a mobile we got!! This thing is seriously rad. After all this, I was exhausted. We went home and snuggled with Tucker for the rest of the afternoon.
Yesterday was pretty sweet. I hung out with Grandma and Poppy in the morning while Mimi and Daddy went to church and then hung with Daddy and Mimi when they returned. One of Mommy and Daddy's friends from church swung by to see me with her daughter, Kiera. Kiera is almost 1 year old and even though we didn't get to play on Sunday, we are gonna be great buddies. Sunday was also family dinner day at Grandma and Poppy's. I love these dinners because I get some seriously good snuggle time in. My cousin Elizabeth even got to hold me after she sanitized her hands. Man, she is a natural (see pic above).
Well, after that crazy weekend Daddy and I came home and crashed hard. I woke up at 10pm just to eat and then slept until 4am and then slept again until 7am. Daddy was ecstatic! This sleeping thing is helping me grow tons and the hair continues to come in. Daddy thinks I am gonna be a brunette just like Mommy. We shall see.
I have a doctor appointment Wednesday and will find out how big I am getting. I am really looking forward to seeing how much I weigh. Daddy is thinking that I weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 9lbs 4oz. I am not so sure. One stinky thing, I have to get shots on Wednesday. I don't look forward to that so please say a little prayer that they don't hurt so bad.
Well, that's about it. We'll blog to you soon and until then, keep on rockin'!
Love you guys, Lily
P.S. Tucker and I make a great pair, don't you think?!